Employee & Volunteer Information Form
Human Resources

650-3774 | MS 9054
#New Form
Instructions: The following information is required of ALL Western Washington University employees.I understand that any of the information on this Web Form may require verification.
A Western email address is not required to complete this form.
Employee or Volunteer Information
Faculty Professional Staff Classified Grad Assistant Volunteer AmeriCorp
Name Use Precedence for Outlook and Campus Directory:
  1. Alternate Professional Name, if exists.
  2. Preferred First Name and Legal Last Name, if Preferred First Name exists and Alternate Professional Name does not exist.
  3. Legal Name if neither the Alternate Professional Name or Preferred First Name does not exist.
Legal Name (as shown on SS Card):
Last: First: Middle:
Preferred Name:
First: Suffix:    
Alternate Professional Name:
Last: First: Middle:
US Citizen?
Yes No
Social Security #: Date of Birth:
Prior State Service
New employee are required to notify HR of prior state service within 30 days of employment to potentially earn credit for prior leave accrued.
Do you have any prior state service that you would like to notify HR of?
Yes No
Name of Employer:

HR Contact Information

Name of Employer:

HR Contact Information

If additional employers, please email hr.forms@wwu.edu
Home Address (W-2 Address)
Street: P.O. Box:
City: State: Zip:
County: Phone:
Degree Information
Degree Information (optional):
Highest Degree:
Date Received: Discipline:
Department of Retirement Systems Plan Verification for Employer's Record
Have you ever been a member of a WA State Retirement System?
No (Retirement eligibility will be determined based on your position and workload at WWU.)
If yes, please specify plan:
Teacher's Retirement System:
Plan I Plan II Plan III
Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS):
Plan I Plan II Plan III
Law Enforce Officers' & Fire Fighters' Ret System (LEOFF):  
Plan I Plan II
Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS)  
Washington Judicial Retirement System (JRS)  
Have you withdrawn your retirement contributions?
Yes No N/A Don't know
Have you ever retired from one of the above WA State Retirement Plans?
Yes No
Did you retire from state service under the Early Ret. Act of 1992 or 1993?
Yes No
Have you participated in a State of WA Higher Education Retirement Plan?
Yes No
Routing Instructions
Submitter may optionally enter their email address and Submit this Web Form.
Signatures and Attachments
The submitter may optionally enter their email address below. Press SUBMIT to send it.