WCE Early Childhood Education Application
Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate
Teacher Education Admissions
New Form
The Western Washington University (WWU) Early Childhood Education (ECE) program consists of an academic major in ECE focusing on the prenatal to age 8 period of child development. The program has a BAE degree in Early Childhood Education and a sequence of professional certification courses that leads to teacher licensure, Pre-K to third grade. The coursework offers a combination of theory, methods, and field experiences in a variety of early childhood education settings.
Upon completion of the program, candidates can work in a variety of early childhood and human services programs including childcare centers, preschools, Head Start, state funded preschool and in Pre-K to 3rd grade certified teaching positions.
It is an exciting time to be an early childhood education professional! Federal, state, tribal nation and community-based initiatives have recognized the need for highly qualified early childhood educators working in a diversity of programs serving children prenatal to age 8 years old and their families. We strongly encourage applications from members of groups who have been, and still are, underrepresented in the teacher workforce.
WWU, in compliance with applicable laws and in furtherance of its commitment to fostering an environment that welcomes and embraces diversity, does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status or genetic information in its programs or activities, including employment, admissions, and educational programs.
Inquiries may be directed to the Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity & Employment Diversity, Equal Opportunity Office, Western Washington University, Old Main 345, MS 9021, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225; 360- 650-3307 (voice) or 711 (Washington Relay); eoo@wwu.edu.
WWU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. To request an accommodation, please contact Disability Access Center, WL 170, 360- 650-3083 (voice) or 360-650-7175 (VP), or drs@wwu.edu. A one-week advance notice is appreciated.
To request this document in an alternate format, please contact Woodring Admissions, 360.650.3310, TeacherEd.Admission@wwu.edu.
Western Washington University is an Equal Opportunity Institution.
Application Directions
Use these checklists to assure submission of a complete application. An incomplete application
be reviewed- it is your responsibility to assure you are submitting a complete application.
Applications must include:
All sections of this application completed
Copies of all non-WWU unofficial college transcripts in PDF format
Description of Experiences with Children and/or Youth
Writing prompt in doc., docx., or PDF format
Acknowledgement of
Student Conduct Agreement and Requirements
Program Requirements for Applicants:
WWU student or WWU applicant
Completion of a minimum of 45 graded college credits
Meet the
basic skills requirement
(submitted SAT/ACT/West-B scores to WWU)
English Composition course with a minimum grade of B-
Minimum 2.75 GPA overall, or for the last 45+ graded credits. (Does not include S/U graded credits or a
repeated course. Does include failing grades. GPA is calculated using the WWU grade point system)
Completion of program prerequisites (MATH 112 and SCED 201)
Completion of General University Requirements (GURs)
Background Information
The State of Washington requests the following from teacher education applicants; however the information will not be used in the review of your application:
Which most closely reflects the highest education level of your parent(s) and/or guardian(s)?
Some high school, high school diploma, or GED
Some college, college, graduate school
Is your first language English?
Application Information
WWU Student ID:
Last Name:
Preferred First:
Alternate Phone:
WWU Email:
Personal Email:
Academic Level:
Program to which you are applying:
Early Childhood Education, Certification and P-3 Endorsement
WWU Enrollment Status:
Current WWU Student
Applying to WWU*
*If not currently a WWU student, you must apply directly to the university; a separate application.
Have you participated in
Family & Community Engaged Teaching (FACET)
Have you declared or are you planning to declare the
Education and Social Justice Minor
Please indicate if you have been in either of the following organizations. Students in these organizations
are given admission priority.
Maestros Para el Pueblo (Skagit Valley College)
Future Woodring Scholars
College Information
colleges and submit UNOFFICIAL transcripts for all college credit received.
Current WWU students: Include a Transfer Equivalency Report for all transfer credits (including AP & IB).
Attach PDF transcripts at the end of this application.
Dates Attended
Degree Earned
Date Completed
Basic Skills Assessment
Indicate below which basic skills assessment you have completed for each subject area. Scores must be sent to WWU from the testing company to be considered official. We do not accept paper score reports for any exam. For more information visit:
Please use an "X" to indicate the test you have completed for each area, Reading, Math and Writing.
OR: I have taken or will be taking one of the required exams. The score report for the
will be available on:
Writing Prompts
Using the prompt below, we invite you to share with us important aspects about who you are as a person and the commitments you will bring to teaching.
Writing prompt should be attached as a PDF at the end of this application.
A. Description of Experiences with Children and/or Youth form (15 points)
Use the "Description of Experiences" form (see Website for Word version of form). Word-process (type) one form for EACH experience you desire to share. On the form, you will address the following:
Include beginning and ending dates, total number of hours, ages, and/or grade levels of group, approximate number of children/youth in the group, and a contact person for verification (include address and daytime phone).
Include a very brief summary of your experiences, including your responsibilities (e.g., creating bulletin boards, correcting papers, caring for infants and toddlers, team teaching with supervising teacher, creating your own lesson plans, assisting a coach, working as a head coach).
Tell us how these experiences will impact what you bring to the classroom.
B. Writing Prompt
The writing prompt below is designed to engage you in considering ideas associated with the Woodring College Vision and the Elementary Education Department Guiding Principles. The vision statement and the guiding principles establish the educational values and commitments that guide the College and elementary and early childhood programs. Respond to the following prompt in one single-spaced page, size 12 font.
Embracing Diversity and Promoting Social Justice
Woodring College of Education strives to be inclusive of all individuals from diverse populations including, but not limited to, those who have experienced systematic social injustices based on their ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, language, socio-economic status, or religion/creed.
Think of a critical moment that challenged the way that you think about diversity. It could be a time when you were the target of, a witness to, or became aware of a diversity-related incident. In preparing your response, include your thoughts about the following:
A) How might that critical moment influence your perspective on becoming a teacher?
B) How does this experience inform your understanding of the Woodring College Vision:
Fostering community relationships and a culture of learning that advance knowledge, honor diversities, and promote social justice.
Student Conduct Agreement and Requirements
Students accepted into teacher certification programs at Western Washington University will have opportunities to work in public or private schools with students, teachers, administrators and parents. Our students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in all interactions with all individuals. As a means of emphasizing the importance of appropriate behavior, the following policies apply to all Woodring College Early Childhood Education students. Early Childhood Education applicants and admitted students may be denied admission, withdrawn from a course or practicum/field experience, the student teaching internship, or the certification program for any of the following reasons:
a guilty plea or conviction of any felony crime involving the physical neglect of or physical injury to a child;
the commission of a crime against the laws of the State of Washington;
exhibiting unprofessional or unethical conduct or behavior;
failure to maintain a 2.75 quarterly GPA
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to the terms and conditions listed above
Program Completion
To qualify for program completion and recommendation for state of Washington Residency certification, students must complete the following requirements and assessments:
A baccalaureate or higher-level degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Successful completion (grade of C or better) of all Woodring coursework and trainings, including preparation in an endorsable subject area and teaching methodologies.
A state-approved, performance-based teacher preparation program that includes preparation in an endorsable subject area, teaching methodologies, and an internship.
Evidence of good moral character and personal fitness.
Passing scores as set by the State of Washington on the content knowledge test(s) for each endorsement.
Successful completion of the student teaching internship as shown by performance on the InTASC Student Teaching Observation Tool.
I understand that information concerning admitted students may be shared with school district personnel to determine if a field placement may and should be made, or if a placement should continue; and that the Woodring College of Education cannot override the decision of school district personnel. Practicum and Internship placements are dependent on school district approval.
I understand that final admission will be based on Washington State Patrol and FBI fingerprint and Pre-Residency Character and Fitness Questionnaire clearance, and completion of required Woodring Teacher Education New Student Orientation.
I also understand that acceptance into the program and completion of the program does not guarantee the granting of a Washington State Residency Teaching Certificate.
I agree to abide by the above policies and certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all statements contained in this application are true and accurate.
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to the terms and conditions listed above
The ECE program
cannot guarantee a BAE in ECE and/or ECE P-3 teacher certification if the candidate is not fully vaccinated for COVID-19
due to the requirements of our partner ECE programs and school districts during required field experiences designed to meet state degree and endorsement standards.
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to the terms and conditions listed above
The Early Childhood Education program includes three consecutive quarters of internship. There are two important items you must consider as you plan for your internship and program completion:
Outside employment may not conflict or interfere with the required or necessary hours of attendance during your school-based field experience or your ability to meet the expectations of your internship. Working during the full-time portion of your internship is very difficult and likely to interfere with your ability to meet all requirements, including outside preparation and planning.
The primary student teaching internship should be completed in a single classroom over two consecutive quarters. Students will be placed in a school within Whatcom or Skagit counties. Interns meet regularly at school sites to engage in Professional Development and share internship experiences. This model does not support placing students in schools outside of these areas, therefore
the ECE Program does not accommodate Out-of-Area placement requests.
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to the terms and conditions listed above
Application Review and Decision
Each application is reviewed using the following process:
All applicants who meet the minimum requirements and submit a completed application will have that
application reviewed by the Early Childhood Education faculty after the due date.
Enrollment restrictions apply for each quarter. Applications are evaluated to determine the most qualified applicant
When you apply to the Early Childhood Education Program, you will be asked to participate in a group interview as part of the admission process. We believe that teacher candidates will develop and enact a commitment to the fundamentally collaborative nature of teaching and learning. As a teacher you will engage in different types of partnerships with children, families and colleagues and the ways you communicate with others to contribute your ideas and glean ideas from others are key to the well-being of collaborative partnerships. The interview questions are intended to get to know you better and for you to have an opportunity to meet the Early Childhood Education faculty members and ensure that you have selected the program that best suits your career goals. When conducting the interview we hold the following beliefs:
Listening to others is important
Each person holds a different temperament
Each person holds a unique cultural conversational style
Each person holds unique ideas and perspectives
You should plan for about a 45 minute group interview to address a few questions in a discussion format. If you have further questions about the Early Childhood Education Program, you will have an opportunity to ask about them at the time of the interview.
Applicants will be selected for admission on the basis of faculty evaluation of the interview in conjunction with scores on the following elements:
Completed College Credits (see table)
Application GPA (see table)
Description of Experiences (15 points maximum)
Writing Prompt (25 points maximum)
Group Interview (15 points maximum)
Application GPA Points
Completed College Credit Points
3.80+ = 15 points
3.70 = 13.5 points
3.60 = 12 points
3.50-= 10.5 points
3.40 = 9 points
3.30 = 7.5 points
3.20 = 6.0 points
3.10 = 4.5 points
3.00 = 3.0 points
2.75 = 1.0 point
91+ credits = 5 points
71-90 = 4 points
51-70 = 3 points
30-50 = 2 points
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to the terms and conditions listed above
Application Attachments
Please attach the following:
In PDF format:
All non-WWU unofficial transcripts
In PDF, .doc, or .docx format:
Response to the writing prompt
Completed Description of Experiences with Children and/or Youth form(s)
DO NOT COMPLETE - Woodring Teacher Education Admission Personnel Only
English Composition Requirement:
Total College Credits:
Total 4-Year College Credits
Cumulative GPA:
Do last 45+ include AP or IB credits?
# of credits:
Number of time applicant has applied to this program, including current application:
Signatures and Attachments
The submitter may optionally enter their email address below. Press SUBMIT to send it.
Your Email Address: