Financial Aid
Document Upload
#New Form
Thank you for using the secure document upload for financial aid.

Signed and completed forms can be submitted using a single secure document upload form.

You may attach multiple documents to this form. Please only submit one form per student.

All forms and tax documents that require a signature must include the appropriate handwritten signature.

Please review the certification block of the form you are submitting for signature requirements. We cannot accept typed or digital signatures, so handwritten signatures must be added before submission. Attachments missing appropriate handwritten signatures or that are illegible will not be processed and student will be notified via their Web4U portal.

Financial Aid forms are available on the Financial Aid website Most forms are school year specific. Be sure to select your form from the appropriate school year list.
This information is securely stored in a confidential system
Student ID number (where to find this): Date of Birth:
Last Name: First: MI:
Name of submitter (if not student):
Submitter Email Address:
Relationship to student (if not student):
Upload documents by clicking on the 'Add Attachment' button and follow the instructions provided. Once documents are successfully attached, click 'Submit' to complete the upload process.
Signatures and Attachments
The submitter may optionally enter their email address below. Press SUBMIT to send it.