Student opens their Web4U WWU Field Experiences Log and ensures they have filled in and saved all their hours. At the end of the quarter or when your internship is completed, click Submit to finalize your Log |
Student opens the Web4U Field Experiences Report and prints a digital copy of their Report (this has all your internship hours that you have entered, saved, and submitted in the Field Experiences Log for the quarter). |
Student crafts and sends an email to their site supervisor with their WWU Field Experiences report attached AND a link to the Timesheet verification form. |
Site Supervisor initiates the form by copying and pasting information from the student's email into the form and filling in any additional information. The Site Supervisor then signs the form by typing their name on the signature line. To submit the form, the Site Supervisor types their own email address in the box at the bottom and clicks "Submit." |
Field Studies sends the form to the student. |
The Student fills in any needed information, types their name on the student signature line, and submits the form to Forms.HSPFieldStudies@wwu.edu. The student also submits the form to their instructor by copying the form's link into the CANVAS assignment for that Form (per their instructor). |
The Instructor opens the form from the Canvas assignment and approves or disapproves. (Instructors are encouraged to contact the student if the form is disapproved.) Once approved, the instructor types their name on the Instructor Signature line and submits the form to Forms.HSPFieldStudies@wwu.edu. |
FORMS (Field Studies) then locks the form and no further changes can occur. |